You can’t
make this stuff up, because they already did
Cornell Law Professor William A. Jacobson: “Four Cherokee women went to Boston this week to try to meet Elizabeth Warren to show Warren genealogical evidence proving that Warren has no Cherokee ancestry, and to explain to Warren why her continued insistence that she is Cherokee is offensive… part of a group of Cherokees who demand that Warren tell the truth…Warren talks a good game about fighting for the downtrodden at the same time that she steps on the backs of generations of Cherokees…The way Warren has treated these Cherokee women is the way a schoolyard bully treats physically weaker classmates.” Read more here
But Warren isn’t alone in spinning yarns about her ancestry
Mark Steyn on the fantasy element of Obama’s memoir: “Courtesy of David Maraniss' new book, we now
know that yet another key prop of Barack Obama's identity is false: His Kenyan
grandfather was not brutally tortured or even non-brutally detained by his
British colonial masters. The composite gram'pa joins an ever-swelling cast of
characters from Barack's "memoir" who, to put it discreetly, differ
somewhat in reality from their bit parts in the grand Obama narrative…” Read more here
And the
Washington Post (yes, believe it or not, the POST) has once again awarded its FOUR PINOCCHIO
rating to Obama’s latest anti-Romney ad:
“On several occasions,
we have faulted the campaign for its claims, apparently to little avail… On
just about every level, this ad is misleading, unfair and untrue, from the use
of “corporate raider” to its examples of alleged outsourcing.” Read more here
Four Pinocchios: Defined by the Washington Post as “Whoppers.”
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